City Futures Research Centre Arts, Design and Architecture

How does the new draft Metro Strategy measure up in addressing Sydney’s challenges? Seminar, Thursday, 2 May, AGL Theatre, Museum of Sydney.

How does the new draft Metro Strategy measure up in addressing Sydney’s challenges? Seminar, Thursda

SGS Economics and Planning is pleased to present a seminar focussing on the new draft Metropolitan Strategy, to be held in the evening on Thursday 2 May at the AGL Theatre, Museum of Sydney . Four uniquely qualified speakers (Lucy Turnbull AO, Frank Sartor AO, Patrick Fensham and Pr ofessor Bill Randolph ) will address this topic and a Q and A discussion will follow. Drinks and canapés will be served to complete the evening.

Cost is $60 pp excl GST . Places are strictly limited. To register, email and a registration form with payment details will be sent to you prior to 22 April.

Please click here to view flyer. All are welcome.