City Futures Research Centre Arts, Design and Architecture

NSW Research and Workforce Development Program on Healthy Built Environments

HBEP Research Strategies and Reports

Healthy Built Environment Activities in NSW: A Status Review 2013

The HBEP recently completed a major research project to ‘map’ activities currently delivered in NSW to support healthy built environments (HBEs). Initiated in late 2012, the project included an on-line survey, collating responses from 46 organisations active in the promotion of HBEs around NSW. The results of the research have been collated in a report which can be accessed here .

Research Strategy 2012-2014

The Healthy Built Environment Program has prepared a Research Strategy to provide direction for policy relevant research in healthy built environments. It has three main objectives:

  1. To identify current gaps in policy relevant research on healthy built environments.
  2. To prioritise research projects that will build the evidence base for policy to implement healthy built environments in NSW.
  3. To utilise synergies amongst HBEP stakeholders to enhance the identification of research opportunities to undertake priority projects.

Click here to access the Research Strategy. Click here to access the Research Implementation Strategy.

Think Tank Report 2011

The Healthy Built Environments Program held an ‘End of Year Strategy Think Tank’ on 16 December 2011. The Think Tank focused on the following three broad issues:

1.  Research - Ideas for collaborative healthy built environment research projects.

2.  Engagement – Outreach and advocacy to engage professionals in healthy built environments, especially those perceived to be ‘disengaged’ or not well informed.

3.  Communication – Ideas to communicate the healthy built environments message to the broader community including the media, political decision makers and community members.

HBEP consortium partners and friends attended and made great contributions to the issues for discussion. Click here to access the Think Tank Report.

Listening Tour Report 2010

From August to December 2010 the HBEP visited all (former) Area Health Services across NSW. The focus of this tour was to talk with health staff about their involvement in healthy urban planning, their capacity building needs in this area, and how the Healthy Built Environments Program can potentially assist.

Please click here to view the HBEP's Listening Tour Report.

Stakeholder Consultation Research 2011

One of the aims of the HBEP is to determine current gaps in research and policy to bring about built environments that support health as part of everyday living. We have conducted research with key stakeholders to determine these gaps. This research has informed the HBEP Research Strategy. We completed a research report 'Stakeholder Consultation Report'. Click here for the Report. We also conducted a workshop as part of this research. Click here to access the Stakeholder Workshop Report.

Funded by

NSW Ministry of Health

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